Preliminary Presentations


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(updated May 16, 2014)


Preliminary List of Scientific Presentations
(arranged alphabetically according to invited speaker)


Management Strategies of Combined Severe Symptomatic Carotid & Coronary Artery Disease
Mazen S. Abu-Fadel, University of Oklahoma HScC, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Aldosterone Antagonists in Heart Failure: Clinical Settings and Timing
Chris Adamopoulos, Thessaloniki, Greece

Novel Alternative Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Calcification
Elena Aikawa, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Notch Signaling Promote Macrophage Activation and Vascular Diseases
Masanori Aikawa, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Atrial Fibrillation and Its Role in Cognitive Decline
Kannayiram Alagiakrishnan, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Martin A. Alpert, University of Missouri- Columbia School of Medicine, Columbia, MO, USA

Heart Failure Related to Constrictive and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: Assessment by Echocardiography
Aman M. Amanullah, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Gi Proteins, Natriuretic Peptide Receptor C and Regulation of Blood Pressure 
Madhu B. Anand-Srivastava, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 

Pericardial Involvement Frequently Complicating Pulmonary and/or Systemic SarcoidGranulomatosis.A Life-Long, Multi Stage Disease, Periodical Study in 278 Biopsy –Proven Sarcoidosis Patients
Nestor Angomachalelis, G. Papanikolaou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece

Left Atrial Dysfunction and Its Sequelae
Vignendra Ariyarajah, Bergen Cardiac Care Centre, Winnipeg, Canada

2014 Update on Management of Hypertension
Wilbert S. Aronow, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, USA

Prevalence and Clinical Implications of Nighttime Hypertension
Diana E. Ayala, Campus Universitario, Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain

Molecular Targeting of DCM
Balwan tTuana, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Canada

Optimal Blood Pressure Levels in the Elderly? Results of REGARDS Study. Should We Correct The Guidelines? 
Maciej Banach, Medical University of Lodz, Poland

Looking Back on the Look AHEAD Trial
Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA

Managing Angina and Risk via Improved Endothelial Function: The EECP Model
Gregory Barsness, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

LDL Carbamylation in Chronic Uremia: Is There a Role for Myeloid Peroxidase?
Alexei G. Basnakian, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA

Stem Cell-Derived Megakaryocytes: Towards Understanding Genetic Control of Platelet Function
Lewis C. Becker, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Genetic Factors Influencing Carotid Artery Size in American Indians
Jonathan N. Bella, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, Bronx, NY, USA

Present and Future of Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac Ct in Cad: Value-Based Imaging
Daniel S. Berman, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

Renal Denervation in 2014
Stefan Bertog, Minneapolis VA Medical Center, MN, USA

Interventional Electrophysiology in Patients with Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Charles I. Berul, Children's National Medical Center, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA

Twenty Year of C-Reactive Protein in Cardiology: Still an Appealing Marker of Disease?
Luigi M. Biasucci, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy

Serendipity in Medicine; Does Chance Truly Favor the Prepared Mind?
Robert W.W. Biederman, Carnegie Mellon University, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Pleiotropic Effects of Ticagrelor, Potential Interaction with Aspirin
Yochai Birnbaum, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

Impact of Coronary CT Angiography on Patient Management and Cardiovascular Outcomes: How to Integrate Test Results in Patient Care
Ron Blankstein, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

HDL Hypothesis: Where Do We stand Now?
William E. Boden, Samuel S. Stratton VA Medical Center, Albany, NY, USA

Prognostic Role of CMR in STEMI
Vicente Bodi, Hospital Clinico y Universitario de Valencia, University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain

Renal Denervation in Heart Failure and Associated Co-Morbidities
Andreas Bollmann, Leipzig Heart Center, Leipzig, Germany

Public Reporting of Cardiac Interventional and Surgical Outcomes
William Bommer, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, USA

Aortic Regurgitation: Impact of Preoperative Symptoms for Post-Valve Replacement Survival on Prognostication from Myocardial Contractility
Jeffrey S. Borer, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY, USA

Next Generation Sequencing Analysis of Families with Congenital Heart Disease
Neil E. Bowles, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

The Evolution of Antiplatelet Therapy for ACS - From Bench to Bedside
Sorin J. Brener, NY Methodist Hospital, NY, USA

Cenderitide: A Novel Designer Natriuretic Peptide for Post Acute Heart Failure
John C. Burnett Jr., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Implantation: Where Are We?
Gianfranco Butera, IstitutoPoliclinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Italy

Successful EVAR Program in a Rural Hospital 
Samuel M. Butman, University of Arizona, Cottonwood, AZ, USA

Novel Mechanisms of Diabetic Vascular Oxidative Stress and Dysfunction
Hua Linda Cai, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, CA, USA

Prediction of Arrhythmic Events with Positron Emission Tomography
Michael E. Cain, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA

The Role of Progenitor Cells in Atherosclerosis
Noel M. Caplice, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland

Sleep Apnea In Patients With CRT: Is It Worthwhile To Check?
Alessandro Capucci, UniversitàPolitecnicadelle Marche, Ancona, Italy

Low Gradient Severe Aortic Stenosis: Diagnosis and Management
Hari P. Chaliki, Mayo Clinic, Arizona, USA

Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Endothelial Dysfunction
Changyi (Johnny) Chen, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

Dual Utilization of Exercise Echocardiograms and Myocardial Perfusion in Assessing Ischemia in a Cardiology Practice
Yzhar Charuzi, Cedars Sinai Heart Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Technology Coming Of Age
Asim N. Cheema, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Dynamic LVOT Obstruction -Beyond HCM
Anand Chockalingam, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA

Cysteine Protease Cathepsin K Controls Injury-induced Vascular Repair in Mice
Xian Wu Cheng, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya Japan

Peripheral Abnormalities in Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction
Julio A. Chirinos, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA

The Role of Exercise and Rehabilitation for Heart Failure Patients
Christina Chrysohoou, Hippokration Hospital,University of Athens, Greece

The Controversies of Statin Therapy: An Overview and Assessment of the Data
Shorena Chumburidze, David Tvildiani Medical University, Tbilisi, Rep. of Georgia

Diagnostic and Prognostic Role of Noninvasive Coronary Flow Reserve
Quirino Ciampi, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Pisa, Italy

Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death during Sports: The Power of Pre-Participation Screening
Domenico Corrado, University of Padua Medical School, Padova, Italy

Advances in Heart Failure Treatment: Percutaneous Ventricle Restoration
Marco A. Costa, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, USA

Mechanisms of Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Reappraisal
Filippo Crea, Catholic University, Rome, Italy

Clinical Effectiveness of CRT and ICD Therapy in Patients with Heart Failure by Race and Gender: Findings from IMPROVE HF
Anne B. Curtis, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA

Patients with Different Etiology of Left Ventricular Failure Who, Moreover, Present Very Large Difference in the Level of Amyloid A
Sergio Dalla Volta, University of Padua Medical School, Padua, Italy

Dual AT1 Receptor/Neprilysin Inhibition ('ARNI') in Hypertension: An Improvement Versus AT1 Receptor Blockade? 
Alexander H.J. Danser, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Arrhythmia Mechanisms in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy: Life Nanometers away from Sudden Death
Mario Delmar, New York University School of Medicine, York, NY, USA

Silent Cerebral Lesions Associated With Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
Thomas Deneke, University of Bochum, Germany

Genetics of Diastolic Heart Failure
Alan Y. Deng, Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM), Montreal, Canada 

Potential Therapy for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death
Naranjan S. Dhalla, St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre, University of Mantioba, Winnipeg, Canada

Alternate Healthy Eating Index, Mediterranean and Dash Dietary Patterns and Risk of Death in the Physician's Health Study 
Luc Djousse, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Surgical Options in Heart Failure in the Elderly
Roland Hetzer, German Heart Institute, Berlin, Germany

Rescue of Physiologic Vascular Repair by Caspase-Inhibition: A Novel Approach to Better Treat Advanced Atherosclerosis
Randolph Hutter, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Arrhythmic Risk: Possible New Therapies for Sudden Death
Samuel C. Dudley, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

Radiation Doses and Best Practice Use in Nuclear Cardiology across the Globe: Findings from the 66 Country INCAPS Study
Andrew J. Einstein, Columbia University Medical Center and New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA

Guilt by Association: A Paradigm for Identifying a Silent Killer (Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm)
John A. Elefteriades, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

Functional and Anatomical Cardiac Imaging in Patients with Coronary Artery Stents
Abdou Elhendy, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI, USA              

The Influenza Vaccine- Preventing Cardiovascular Events in High-Risk Patients         
Michael Farkouh, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

Culprit vs Multivessel PCI in STEMI: What is best?
David P. Faxon, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Regression of Hypertrophy (and Fibrosis?) in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Michael A. Fifer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Toll-Like Receptor 9 Regulation of Coagulation in Acute Coronary Artery Disease
Janos G. Filep, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

New Insights in Masked Hypertension
Stanley S. Franklin, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA

A Case of Orthostatic Hypotension and Recent Advances
Gordon L. Fung, UCSF Medical Center at Mt. Zion, San Francisco, CA, USA

Association of Adverse Left Ventricular Remodeling with Incident Heart Failure and Ventricular Arrhythmias
William H. Gaasch, Lahey Clinic, Burlington, MA, USA

Molecular Drivers of Vascular Remodeling
ZorinaGalis, Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA

Post-Ischemic Myocardial Insulin Resistance and Ischemic Heart Failure: Role of Mitochondria-ROS Uncoupling
Feng Gao, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China

Fractional Flow Reserve
Joel Garcia, Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA

Management of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease: Overview of Recent Guidelines
Julius M. Gardin, Hackensack University Medical Center, NJ, USA

Stem Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease
Jon C. George, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Translating T3 Treatment of Heart Failure From Bench to Bedside: Finally, A Safe Treatment/Monitoring Protocol that Should Work!
A. Martin Gerdes, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, NY, USA

Contradictory Effects of Hyperlipidemia and Diabetes Mellitus on Progression of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Pathobiological Mechanisms
S. David Gertz, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

The Short QT Syndrome and Sudden Cardiac Death
Michael H. Gollob, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Impaired Endogenous Thrombolysis- A Novel, Easy-To-Measure Biomarker of Adverse Cardiovascular Events
Diana A. Gorog, Imperial College, London, UK

Twenty-Five Years of Statins: Where Do We Go From Here?
Antonio M. Gotto, Jr., Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA

Optimal Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy after DES Implantation: EXCELLENT Trial and Future Perspectives
Hyeon-CheolGwon, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Synergistic Reduction of Atherosclerosis by the Combined LXR Ligand and ERK1/2 Inhibitor---A Multiple Mechanisms Dependent Pathway
 Jihong Han, Nankai University, China

Can we Prevent Readmissions for Heart Failure?
Paul A. Heidenreich, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Statin Utilization: Emerging Clinical and Public Health Challenges
Charles H. Hennekens, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA

Sleep-Time Blood Pressure as a Therapeutic Target for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
Ramon C. Hermida, Campus Universitario, Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain

Left Atrial Size and Function: Role in Prognosis
Brian D. Hoit, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA

Evaluation of Neointimal Tissue after Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation with Optical Coherence Tomography
Myeong-Ki Hong, Severance Cardiovascular Center and Severance Biomedical Science Institute, Seoul, South Korea

Blood Pressure and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among Patientswith Type 2 Diabetes
Gang Hu, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Genetics in Atrial Fibrillation: Impact for Improved Rhythm and Rate Control
Daniela Husser, University Leipzig Heart Center, Leipzig, Germany

Colchicine and New Management Strategies for Acute and Recurrent Pericarditis
Massimo Imazio, Maria Vittoria Hospital, Torino, Italy

Intravascular Near-Infrared Fluorescence Molecular Imaging of Inflamed Plaques
FaroucJaffer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Aldosterone, Copeptine and Other Neuroendocrine Markers in Patients with Stroke
Daniela Jezova, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Epigenetic Regulation of Laminar Flow-Mediated Genes and Atherosclerosis
Zheng-Gen Jin,University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, New York, USA

Disturbed Flow Induces Inflammation and Atherosclerosis by Decreasing TIMP3 - A Role for MechanosensitivemiRNA
Hanjoong Jo, Georgia Tech and Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

Aging and Heart Failure: 2014 Update
Bodh I. Jugdutt, University of Alberta and Hospitals, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 

Right Ventricular Failure after Implantation of Left Ventricular Assist Devices
Andreas Kalogeropoulos, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA

Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) at 2014- Where are we and where is it Going?
Edo Kaluski, University Hospital, Newark, NJ, USA

HFpEF (Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction) Pathophysiology: Implications for Therapeutic Targets
David M. Kaye, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

Cardiorenal Syndrome: Not As Straight Forward As We Used to Think
 Amir Kazory, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Implications for the Use of Accelerometer Data in Patient Management
Ilan Kedan, Cedars Sinai Heart Institute, Beverly Hills, CA, USA

Body Mass Index and Mortality: Is Being Overweight Really Healthy?
Arthur L. Klatsky, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Oakland, CA, USA

The Effect of Bendavia on Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury, Left Ventricular Remodeling and Dysfunction
Robert A. Kloner,Good Samaritan Hospital/USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Innate Immunity and Heart Disease
Anne A. Knowlton, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

Non Pharmacological and Catheter Based Therapy of Difficult to Treat (D2T) Hypertension
Santhosh K.G. Koshy, UT Health Sciences Center, Memphis, TN, USA

Role of MicroRNA in Cardioprotection
Rakesh C. Kukreja, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA, USA

PCI versus CABG in Multiple Vessel CAD
Adarsh Kumar, Govt Medical College/GND Hospital, Amritsar, India

Clinical Implications of Silent Cerebral Embolization and Role of Neuro-Protection during Cardiac Procedures
Alexandra Lansky, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

Live Cell Superresolution Microscopy Identifies Proliferative Nanopathology of T-Tubule Membranes
Stephan E. Lehnart, University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany

New Avenues in the Fight against Atherosclerosis
Stephanie Lehoux, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

Echocardiographic Insights: From Morphology to Mechanisms of Mitral Valve Disease and Beyond
Robert A. Levine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease
T. Barry Levine, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Diabetic Heart Disease
Qiangrong Liang, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, NY, USA 

Carbon Nanotubes Scaffolds as a New Basis for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
Carlin S. Long, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA

FFR and Peripheral Disease
Amir S Lotfi, Tufts University School of Medicine, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA, USA

Serpins as Therapy – from Virus to Man
Alexandra Lucas, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

The Pathway of Pericyte Cell Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease
Paolo Madeddu, University of Bristol, UK

Triggers of Acute Cardiovascular Events: Clinical Implications
Mohammad Madjid, Texas Heart Institute, Houston, TX, USA 

Stress-Only Imaging; A New Paradigm for Performing Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
John Mahmarian, Houston Methodist Debakey Heart And Vascular Center, Houston Texas

Precision Medicine for Today and Tomorrow: Targeting Molecular Pathways for Vascular Disease
Kenneth Maiese, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, USA

Women and Heart Disease: Update on Prevention
Shaista Malik, UC Irvine, CA, USA

The Pivotal Role of L-Arginine in the Ischemic Heart Preconditioning - A Nanomedical Approach
Tadeusz Malinski, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA

Temporal Variation in Acute Aortic Diseases: Only a Random Phenomenon?
Roberto Manfredini, University of Ferrara, Italy

Demographic Changes in Congenital Heart Disease in the XXI Century: Impact in Management and Outcomes
ArianeMarelli, Mc Gill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada

Training of Cardiovascular Physician-Scientists in the US: Results of Specific Training Pathways
James D. Marsh, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA

Prevention of Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation: Are All Oral Drugs the Same?
Antoni Martinez Rubio, Hosp. de Sabadell - Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Sabadell, Spain

Prolylhydroxylases in Ischemic Heart Disease
NilanjanaMaulik, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA

Saturated Fat Intake and the Genesis of Coronary Artery Disease – Where’s The Evidence?
Jawahar L. Mehta, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA

Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Heart Failure
Leslie W. Miller, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA

Integrative and Complementary Medicine in Cardiology: New Hope or Just Hip and Hype?
Freny Vaghaiwalla Mody, VA Greater Los Angeles HCS, CA, USA

Cardiac Surgery in the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Patient: A Spectrum of Lesions
Bassem Mora, Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Cleveland Clinic, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Residual Vascular Risk after Statin Therapy: The Promise of Novel Lipoprotein Biomarkers
Samia Mora, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Indoxyl Sulfate and Cardio-Renal Syndrome; The Role Of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor
Toshisuke Morita, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Advancements in Telemedicine and Application in Specialty Practice
Alexander Morss, Harbor Medical Associates, Boston, MA, USA

Update on Coronary Bifurcation Classification and Techniques
Mohammad R. Movahed,The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, Tucson, AZ, USA

Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Early Mortality after Heart Transplantation: A US National Perspective
Marjan Mujib,    Westchester Medical Center at New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, USA

Determinants of Cardiac Function in Patients with End Stage Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Sherif F. Nagueh, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston, TX, USA

Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Induced by Novel KAATSU Rehabilitation and Prevention of Sarcopenia
Toshiaki Nakajima, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Biomarkers in Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy
Nandini Nair, Sacred Heart Medical Center, Spokane, WA, USA

Echocardiography: Past, Present and Future
Navin C. Nanda, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA

Regulation of Intestinal Genes by an 18 Mer Peptide Reduces Systemic Inflammation and Improves Cardiovascular Status
Mohamad Navab, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA

De-risking High Risk Asymptomatic Individuals by Coronary Artery Calcium Testing: Power of Zero!
Khurram Nasir, Baptist Health, Miami Beach, FL, USA

Regulation of EnosMrna Destabilization Via ROCK2-Mediated Eef1a1 Phosphorylation
Kensuke Noma, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan

Prognostic Value of Microvascular Obstruction on Multidetector Computed Tomography after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Kenji Okumura, Toki Municipal General Hospital, Toki, Japan

Mechanisms of Hypertrophy in Valvular Heart Disease
NielsThue Olsen, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

Intravascular Near-Infrared Fluorescence Molecular Imaging of Inflamed Plaques"
Eric A. Osborn, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Mediterranean Diet and Secondary Prevention of CVD
Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece

Genetic Disruption of Npr1 Upregulates Cardiac Expression of Proinflammatory MediatorsKailash N. Pandey, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA

Management of Atrial Flutter
HakanPaydak, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA

Hand Held Echocardiography: Role in Clinical Practice
Patricia A. Pellikka, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN, USA

Introduction of a Mouse Model that Reflects Human Atherosclerotic Plaque Instability and Rupture: A Unique Tool for Discovery of Strategies towards Plaque Pacification and Ultimately Prevention of Myocardial Infarction
Karlheinz Peter, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Victoria, Australia

Myocardial Elasticity and Cardiac Function
Cristina Pislaru, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA

A Tale Of Two Hearts: Any New Echocardiography Tricks in Valvular Heart Disease?
Sorin Pislaru, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA

Hybrid Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: Hype or Here to Stay?
Laurent Pison, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands

The Effect of Financial Crisis on the Health Status of Population...Insights from Greece
Christos Pitsavos, 1st Cardiology Clinic University of Athens, Athens, Greece

The Management of Patients with Advanced Heart Failure
Maria Vittoria H. Pitzalis, East Carolina University, The Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC, USA

Antihypertensive Effect of Flaxseed
Kailash Prasad, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Biophysics of Myeloperoxidase Interactions with HDL: An Index of Functionality?
Kirkwood A. Pritchard Jr., Children's Research Institute, Milwaukee, WI, USA

Left Ventricular Function in Patients with Chronic Total Occlusion of LAD: Long-Term Follow-Up
Maria Prokudina, Federal Center of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology, St. Petersburg, Russia

Genetic Discovery of CVD in Diabetic Patients
Lu Qi, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA

Aspirin-Insensitive Thromboxane Generation; A Novel Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease
Jeffrey J. Rade, UMASS Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA

ACE2 as a Target for Cardio-Pulmonary Disease Therapeutics
Mohan K. Raizada, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Atorvastatin Attenuates Atherosclerosis In The Valves And Femurs From HypercholesterolemicLdlr-/- Mice AS=OP
Nalini Rajamannan, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

The Macrophage A2b Adenosine Receptor Controls Tissue Insulin Sensitivity: Implications for Vascular Disease
Katya Ravid, Boston University School of Medicine, MA, USA

Atypical and Unusual Clinical Presentations of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease
Hanumanth K. Reddy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA

Translation of Genomic Discoveries for CAD
Muredach P. Reilly, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Translation of HDL Functionality into Clinical Practice
Robert S. Rosenson,Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Effects of Long-Term Therapy with Bendavia (MTP-131), a Novel Mitochondria-Targeting Peptide, on Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type Composition in Dogs with Chronic Heart Failure
Hani N. Sabbah, Henry Ford Heart & Vascular Institute, Detroit, MI, USA

Is Ischemia Universal In A Chronic Total Occlusion?
Rajesh Sachdeva, Little Rock, AR, USA

Device Closure of Complex Atrial Septal Defect in Adults- Issues and Solutions
 Masood Sadiq, The Children's Hospital/The Institute of Child Health, Lahore. Pakistan

Benefit and Risks of Antidiabetic Treatment in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure
Christoph H. Saely, VIVIT Institute, Academic Teaching Hospital, Feldkirch, Austria

Mechanistic Insights Into Diastolic Heart Failure (Heart Failure [HF] Preserved Ejection Fraction) – What Progress Have We Made?
Flora Sam, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

Pharmacological Modulation of Angiotensin-II-Induced Arterial Mononuclear Cell Adhesion by Nuclear Receptors Activation
Maria J. Sanz, Universidad de Valencia, Spain

Role of Minocycline in Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: An Old Drug with New Implications
Tiziano M. Scarabelli, St John Hospital & Medical Center/Wayne State University SOM, USA

High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin – A Cardiologist's Friend or Foe?
Saul Schaefer, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

Heart Failure Management: New Technologies to Improve the Outcome in Cardiac Resynchcronization Therapy
Karlheinz Seidl,Klinikum Ingolstadt GmbH, Ingolstadt, Germany

Diabetes and Failed Regenerative Strategies
Frank W. Sellke, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

Do Vitamin and Mineral Supplements have a Role in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention?
Howard D. Sesso, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Evolving Role of Platelet Function Testing In Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes
Rakesh Sharma, University of Arkansas Medical Science, Little Rock, AR, USA

Regulatory T Cells in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Guo-Ping Shi, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Imaging ACE and Angiotensin Receptors in the Heart
Jamshid Shirani, St. Luke's Hospital and Health Network, Bethlehem, PA, USA

The Future of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease and The ISCHEMIA Trial
Mandeep S. Sidhu, Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY, USA

Is the DASH Diet the Optimal Diet for Heart Failure Patients?
Marc A. Silver, Advocate Christ Medical Center, University of Illinois. IL, USA

Inflammation and Post-Ischemic Cardiac Remodeling: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Perspectives 
Jean-Sebastian Silvestre, Paris-Centre de RechercheCardiovasculaire, Paris, France

The Interactive Role of Cytokines in Cardiomyocyte Survival
Pawan K. Singal, St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Inflammation Induced Apoptosis in the Injured Myocardium
Dinender K. Singla, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA

Comparison of Cost-effectiveness of Direct Current Cardioversion, Transesophageal pacing and Digoxin in the Conversion of Atrial Flutter in the Neonate
Christopher S. Snyder, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, Cleveland, OH, USA

Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Misunderstood Syndrome in Search of a Therapy
Scott D. Solomon, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA 

Racial Differences in Vitamin D/Parathyroid Hormone Endocrine System
Yiqing Song, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Coronary Artery Disease
Fabiola Sozzi, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Italy

Time to Focus on CV Health (Not CV Disease)
Laurence Sperling, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA

Role of Endothelin-1 and Camkinase Ii Signaling in Cardiovascular Complications
Ashok K. Srivastava, CRCHUM, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Ablation of Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia
Komandoor Srivathsan, Mayo Clinic, Arizona, USA

In-vivo Risk Stratification of Individual Coronary Artery Plaques: An Evolving Paradigm for Pre-emptive Management of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Peter H. Stone, Harvard Medical School, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Temporal Trends in Valvular Heart Disease in New York State: The Last 30 Years
Phyllis G. Supino, State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center, NY, USA

Non-invasive Risk Stratification in Brugada Syndrome without History of Cardiac Arrest: Prognostic Value of J-wave and ST-segment Morphology
Masahiko Takagi, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan

Vascular Healing &Bioresorbable Scaffolds: From Platelets, Leukocytes to Endothelial Cells
Jean-François Tanguay, Université de Montréal, Canada

Association between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Coronary Artery Disease
Akira Tamura, Oita University, Yufu, Japan

PET/CT & PET/MR Imaging of Atherosclerosis
Ahmed Tawakol, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Old and Emerging Options for Treatment of Refractory Angina: A Critical Appraisal
UdhoThadani, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and VA Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

PolyvascularDisease:Vascular Function, Imaging and Treatment
TakanobuTomaru, Toho University, Japan

Molecular Targets in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
BalwantTuana. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mitochondrial Division/Mitophagy Inhibitor (Mdivi) Ameliorates Pressure Overload Induced Heart Failure
Suresh C. Tyagi,University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY, USA

Risk Stratification of Very Late DES Failure by the Evaluation of Neoatherosclerosis
Yasunori Ueda, Osaka Police Hospital, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan

The Treatment of the Chronic Total Occlusion
Barry F. Uretsky, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USZ

Role of Oxidative Protein Modifications in Regulating Kinase Pathways in Heart Failure: Role in Therapy
Jennifer Van Eyk, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Imatinib: A Novel Candidate for Treatment of Permeability Edema
Geerten P. van Nieuw Amerongen, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

Pericutaneous Hemodynamic Support for High Risk PCI: Indications and Results
George W. Vetrovec, VCU Medical Center Richmond, VA, USA

Thromboembolism or Athero-thromboembolism in Atrial Fibrillation?
Francesco Violi, University of Rome, Italy

Dietary Fatty Acid Composition as a Risk Factor for Cardiometabolic Disorders: Beyond the Calories
Lu Wang, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Molecular and Structural Remodeling Underlying the Defective Cell Contractility in Heart Failure
Shi-Qiang Wang, Peking University, Beijing, China

Priming the Proteasome by PKG: A Novel Cardioprotective Mechanism of Sildenafil
Xuejun Wang, Sanford School of Medicine of the University of South Dakota, Vermillion,

Gender Disparity in Coronary Heart Disease: Bias, Biology, or Both?
Nanette K. Wenger, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA

New Guidelines on Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
Nathan D. Wong, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA

The Genetics of Aortic Dissection
Angela T. Yetman, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

De Novo Regulatory Pathway of Niche on Stem Cells in Cardiac Remodeling
Xi-Yong Yu, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, China

Improving Energy Supply to Mend a Sick Heart
Qinglin Yang, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA

Cilia and Congenital Heart Disease: What is the Connection?
Maliha Zahid, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Integrating Nutrition into the Cardiovascular Curriculum Changes Medical Student Eating Habits
Robert Zelis, Pennsylvania State University, Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, USA

Discovery of a New Index of Dual Pathway Atrioventricular Node Conduction
Youhua Zhang, New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) College of Osteopathic Medicine,
Old Westbury, NY, USA



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    international academy of cardiology