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16th World Congress on Heart Disease

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Reduced LDL Cholesterol, Lower Mortality Among Benefits of Statin Therapy with PCI
March 23, 2002

ATLANTA, Georgia (ACC) -- Two researchers report the effectiveness of statin therapy in two patient populations—patients who recently underwent a first angioplasty and patients who have undergone a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)—at a news conference Sunday, March 17, 2002. Their results show that statins reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in first-time angioplasty patients and lower mortality in PCI patients.

Patrick W. Serruys, MD, of Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, presented the results of the LIPS, or “Lescol Intervention Prevention Study.” He compared the effect of fluvastatin (40 mg bid) on patients who had experienced a major cardiac event after a recent first angioplasty. Patients taking the drug, which was given 2.7 days after the procedure, had LDL levels of 137 or less over a three- to four-year period.

Those on the statin also had a 22 percent risk reduction for a major adverse cardiac event, added Dr. Serruys. When looking at secondary endpoints, he found that patients with diabetes or multilevel diseases also reduced their risk for major adverse coronary events. According to Dr. Serruys, this trial supports the use of early lipid-lowering medication in post-PCI patients.

Albert W. Chan, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, described the results of a study that looked at whether there was a survival benefit associated with statin therapy at the time of PCI. Of 6,647 patients studied, 23.5 percent were treated with a statin at the time of PCI. Dr. Chan found that statin therapy was associated with a 60 percent lower mortality at 30 days and a 37 percent reduction at six months.

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